When requested, please enter your full name in the appropriate section on the quiz.

Please complete all relevant questions.

This quiz will not work on a mobile device.

You need to take it using a desktop or laptop.

It will work on PC and Mac computers using Safari, FireFox or Chrome.

The quiz does not have a save function.

 If you can not complete the quiz in one pass you will have to re-answer all questions from the beginning.

In the first section, answer each question according to what has been true for you throughout your life.

If you are struggling with a choice, choose according to what best reflects your healthiest, most vibrant period of life.

In this second section, answer each question based on what has been true for you recently—in particular, over the past thirty days.

Be as honest as possible in order to generate the most personalized resources and recommendations.

On the last page of the quiz there will be a screen with graphs and charts along with a button to submit your results.

You might want to take a screen shot/grab of that page prior to submitting your quiz.

This is so you can have a record of your “Doshas” and Imbalances that you can refer back to while you are reviewing the course materials.

Click the link below to take your online Dosha Quiz.